29 ene 2008

Diciendo si

I can certainly know that I’m not the voice in my head, just because I can listen to it.
Los voladores drenan tu energia vital.
How can I know that I see? Because I see. Of course I can explain the natural process of the light passing trough the pupil and so on, but in reality the only sure fact by in which I can know that I see is because I see. In this same tenor I can not see my eyes with the eyes, that is how I know that the eyes are, and therefore I can see, just by knowing it.
En un universo perfecto, alguien tiene que ser tú.
The same way I know I’m not the voice in my head; I’m in fact the entity that is perceiving that voice. If I were the voice in the head, I won’t be able to perceive it as a voice. It would be me.

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